Our goal is to deliver the highest level of service to you. If you are unhappy with our service, or believe you've been treated unfairly, we invite you to share your concerns. Your feedback matters to us.
Our Commitment to Handling Complaints
- We welcome all complaints, large or small
- Complaints can be made by anyone, including children
- We treat each complaint with care and sensitivity
- Your complaint will be dealt with promptly
- Our process is designed to be fair to you, our staff and our service
- Your privacy will be protected as far as practical and appropriate
- You will not be negatively affected for making a complaint
Resolving Minor Concerns
Most complaints can be quickly resolved with an explanation or an apology. These might include:
- A phone call not being returned
- Being kept waiting
- Difficulty finding the information you need
We encourage you to first discuss your concerns with the staff member providing the service. If you are uncomfortable speaking to them directly, or if you are not satisfied with their response, please speak to their supervisor or the Manager of the service. If you are still dissatisfied, we encourage you to lodge a formal complaint. Regardless of the nature of the complaint, you can always lodge a formal complaint.
Making a Formal Complaint
You can make a formal complaint:
- By completing the Complaint Form available online and at all Metro Assist service locations.
- By sending a letter to PO Box 503, Campsie, NSW, 2194
- By email to metroassist@metroassist.org.au
- By speaking with a Metro Assist staff member in person or over the phone
If you need help, a Metro Assist staff member not involved in the complaint can help you make a formal complaint. The staff member will note on the complaint they have completed it on your behalf based on the information you have provided.
If you prefer, you can have someone else you know lodge the complaint on your behalf. This may include a family member, parent or guardian, legal or community representative, a member of parliament or another organisation.
You may also make a complaint in your first language if you wish.
We will ask you to provide the following information:
• Your contact information
• What you are complaining about and what you would like done about it
• Any other relevant information
• Any additional support you may need, for example the use of a translator
Acknowledgment of Your Complaint
Within 3 to 7 days of receiving your complaint, the relevant service manager will contact you to inform you of the next steps and provide an expected timeframe for further contact or resolution.
Investigating Your Complaint
The service manager will then gather relevant information about your complaint, including speaking with anyone who saw what happened and anyone able to provide information about what happened.
We may engage an external agency to investigate the matter depending on the severity and complexity of the issues raised in a complaint.
Resolving Your Complaint
Once the investigation of your complaint is complete, the Service Manager will contact you to discuss the outcome and any action to be taken. We will explain the reasons for our decisions and your options for taking the matter further if you are not satisfied.
Reconsideration if you are not satisfied
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have two options for your complaint to be reconsidered by Metro Assist.
- Firstly, the CEO of Metro Assist will assess your complaint along with a written report of the investigation prepared by the Service Manager. You will receive a copy of the report.
- If you are still dissatisfied, you can ask the Metro Assist Board to review your complaint. The Board will consider your complaint together with all past reports.
You can request a reconsideration by contacting the CEO of Metro Assist on 02 9789 3744 or email CEO@metroassist.org.au
Complaints about staff conduct
Where a complaint is made against a staff member, they are entitled to a fair and reasonable opportunity to respond to any complaints or allegations made against them.
Complaints about staff conduct will require a written response from that staff member.
If your complaint is about front-line staff, the Team Leader or Service Manager will handle it in consultation with the HR Manager.
If your complaint is about a Service Manager, it will be dealt with by Metro Assist's CEO.
If your complaint is about the CEO, the Chair of Metro Assist will handle it.
Confidentiality and anonymity
To investigate your complaint, we may need to speak with the people involved and seek professional advice. Your complaint will not be discussed or disclosed to anyone outside our service unless it is necessary to resolve the complaint. We will seek your approval before conducting any inquiries.
Complaints can be made anonymously, but where they lack evidence or a basis for follow up these may be reviewed for business improvements without further action.
Protection from Retribution
Any form of retribution by a staff member towards someone who makes a complaint is not tolerated at Metro Assist. If a staff member is found to have acted in retribution in any form, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
If you believe you have been, or are being, punished for making a complaint, contact the CEO of Metro Assist immediately on 02 9789 3744.
External Assistance
If you feel your complaint has not been handled promptly or fairly, or if you have not received an adequate explanation for any decision, you may escalate your complaint to below regulatory bodies as relevant:
The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
NSW Information and Privacy Commissioner
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
For more information, you can download the Information Brochure for clients on the Metro Assist Complaint process.