The Complaints Process

We do our best to provide you with quality service. However, if you are dissatisfied with a service, or believe you have been treated unfairly, we want to hear from you.

Early resolution 

Most complaints of a minor nature can be resolved quickly through an explanation or an apology for any inconvenience.

These complaints may include:
• failure to return a phone call;
• the absence of milk for the client’s coffee; or
• where a client is kept waiting.

We encourage you to first raise your concerns with the staff member providing the service to you. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to the staff or if you are not satisfied with the explanation or apology, your complaint should be referred to the staff member’s supervisor or the Manager of the service. If still dissatisfied, you are invited to lodge a formal complaint. Regardless of the nature of the complaint, you can always lodge a formal complaint. 


Formal complaints

 1. Lodging complaint 

You can lodge your complaint:

  1. By completing a Complaint Form
  2. By sending the letter to PO Box 503 Campsie NSW 2194
  3. By email to
  4. Verbally over the phone 

If you need assistance completing the form or writing down your complaint, you can ask for help from a staff member or Servcie Manager not involved in the complaint. Staff or Service Manager will note on your form that they have completed it on your behalf from the information supplied by you.


If you prefer, you can take the Complaint Form home to complete, then return it to Metro Assist. You may seek help from others to complete the form. You can complete the form in your first language if you wish.

If you are lodging a written complaint without using the form or verbally to the Metro Assist staff or service manager, we will ask you to provide the following information.
• Your contact information 
• Issues raised and the outcome/s you want
• Any other relevant information, and
• Any additional support you may need e.g. use of a translator 


2. Your complaint will be treated confidentially

To investigate your complaint, we will need to talk with the people involved, and we may sometimes need to seek professional advice. Your complaint will not be discussed or shown to anyone outside our service unless it is necessary to resolve it. 


3. Complaints about the staff conduct will require a written response from that staff member

Where a complaint has been made against a staff member, they will be afforded procedural fairness and be entitled to a fair and reasonable opportunity to respond to any complaints/allegations made against them. 

If your complaint is about front-line staff, the team leader or the service manager will handle it in consultation with the HR Manager. 


If your complaint is about a Manager, it will be dealt with by Metro Assist's CEO. 

If your complaint is about the CEO, the Chair of Metro Assist will handle it. 


4. Your complaint will be acknowledged and investigated

We will acknowledge receipt of each complaint within 3 to 7 working days. We will investigate and inquire about the circumstances of your complaint and talk to anyone who either saw, was involved in, or can provide information about what happened. 

We may engage an external agency to investigate the matter depending on the severity and complexity of the issues raised in a complaint.



5. You will be informed of the progress and outcome of your Complaint

We will keep the person making the complaint up to date on our progress, particularly if there are any delays.

Following consideration of the complaint and upon completion of an investigation into the issues raised, we will contact you using the appropriate medium and advise you:

• The outcome of the complaint and any action we took;
• The reason/s for our decision;
• The remedy or resolution/s that we have proposed or put in place, and
• Any options for review that may be available to the complainant, such as an internal or external review.


6. You have a right to re-consideration if dissatisfied with the proposed response

If you are not satisfied with the findings, or suggested resolution, there are two options for your complaint to be reconsidered.

Firstly, your complaint will be reconsidered by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Metro Assist, who will assess your complaint together with a written report of the investigation prepared by the service manager. The CEO can make a fresh decision on the findings.

If you're still dissatisfied with the decision, you can ask the Metro Assist Board to reconsider your complaint. The board will review the complaint in conjunction with all reports.

You can ask for your complaint to be reconsidered by contacting Metro Assist's CEO or Chair at 02 9789 3744.


7. You have a right to have your complaint considered free from retribution

Any form of retribution by a staff member towards a client arising from a complaint is not tolerated at Metro Assist. If a staff member is found to have acted in retribution in any form, they will be subject to disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action can include suspension of any staff member who is alleged to have acted in retribution towards a complainant until it can be established whether retribution has actually occurred. If you believe you have been or are being punished for making a complaint, contact the CEO of Metro Assist immediately on 02 9789 3744.


Our Approach to Complaints

Our aim is to always provide the best possible standard of service to our clients.

Complaints will be handled:
• Seriously, confidentially, and as quickly as possible
• In a way in which you don’t experience repercussions from having made a complaint
• in a way where the result is fair to you, the service, and its staff

If you are dissatisfied with your response, contact the independent external agencies listed below.

NSW Ombudsman
P: (02) 9286 1000 or 1800 451 524

The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
P: (02) 9268 5544 or 1800 670 812

NSW Information and Privacy Commissioner

P: 1800 472 679

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
P: 1300 363 992