

Client Success Story: Covid-19 Relief

Mali is an asylum seeker from Pakistan who has been in Australia with her family for six years. She and her husband have two children. They arrived in Australia on a visitor’s visa and applied for asylum on arrival. Their request for asylum has been rejected and their case is currently being considered by the Migration Tribunal.

The two children attend a local public school. Mali and her husband were both working but as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic they both lost their jobs. This prevented them from being able to pay school fees to the NSW Department of Education which were required given their visa status. The family approached Metro Assist for support.

Metro Assist support provided vouchers to purchase food and pay an outstanding electricity bill. Further, as a result of advocacy by Metro Assist, the NSW Department of Education has issued them with an exemption for their fees. The children are allowed to continue their learning and the family has been relieved of some financial burden at a time when they have access to limited funds.

* Name and image has been changed to protect clients identity