International Women's Day with Settlement Services
Last week, our Settlement Services team celebrated International Women's Day at Bankstown Sports Club with a diverse range guest speakers, cultural performances, community organisations and activities including make-up & nails, henna and kids’ activities.
The event began with tribute to all women struggling around the world, followed by 2 minutes of silence. The tribute read as follows:
"Every country, every culture has its own sayings and songs about women and pride themselves in historical women’s stories. But today, let’s take few minutes to be true to ourselves and face the reality: How many women are forgotten, marginalized, silenced, exploited, displaced, abused… all over the world? How many women are suffering from poverty, war, natural disasters, violence, discrimination…? How many women have to stand up on their own and provide for their beloved ones to keep them safe and protect their dignity?
In Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Ukraine… women are struggling every moment of the day to put food on the table, to escape the harsh conditions of living, or even fighting for their own survival.
Today, we would like to extend our solidarity to all these brave women across the globe, we would like to pay tribute to their strength, their resilience and their courage!
In observance of International Women’s Day, we would like to recognize and celebrate the perseverance and determination of women and girls fighting for their rights worldwide. And, as we say women fight with grace in their heart, kindness in their voice and love in their soul!
This year, with two minutes silence, think and reflect on the situation of vulnerable and disadvantaged women in the world. Therefore, I will ask everyone to kindly join us for 2 minutes of silence and pay their respects to all women trying to break free from suffering around the world!"